Hydropower plants have positive effects if they are implemented in an environmentally and socially sustainable manner.

Hydropower generates clean, renewable energy without producing any emissions of air contaminants and climate gases thereby making a vital contribution to preserving our environment, to climate protection and the achievement of the environmental goals of the European Community.

PCC HYDRO and PCC NEW HYDRO undertakes to plan, build and operate its hydropower plants in compliance with the current ecological and social requirements, thereby minimising potential negative environmental and social effects of the projects to a reasonable degree while maintaining the positive yields from the projects. The enterprise shall, in this context, always comply with the applicable national legislations and the guidelines of the host country and is, on top of this, geared to German and international standards.”

The “Environmental Guideline of PCC HYDRO and PCC NEW HYDRO”, to which all employees of PCC HYDRO and PCC NEW HYDRO and its project companies as well as most of PCC’s consultants involved in the development of our projects commit themselves to, can be downloaded here.